Bollywood actor Sunil Shetty has shot an important scene for his debut Tulu film, ‘Jai,’ directed by Roopesh Shetty. The film, a big-budget project, features Shetty alongside actors Raj Deepak Shetty and Prasanna Shetty Bailur in a sequence filmed at Sahyadri College’s turf ground.
‘Jai’ is set in several picturesque coastal locations such as Kuthar, Dambel, Marakada, and more, offering a visual treat. This project also marks the first time a helicopter has been used in a Tulu film, further elevating the industry’s production value. The film’s collaboration with Sunil Shetty is seen as a significant milestone for Tulu cinema, attracting attention and recognition to the industry.
The film is produced by Jai Cinema, RS Cinemas, Shoolin Films, and Mugrodi Productions, with an impressive team behind it, including Prasanna Shetty Bailoor for the story and dialogues, Vinut K for cinematography, and Loy Valentine Saldanha for the music. The cast includes well-known actors from Dakshina Kannada, with Adhvithi Shetty starring in the lead female role.
Following his previous successes, Roopesh Shetty is determined to take the Tulu film industry to new heights with this ambitious venture, which is set to be completed in three phases, with the final one concluding in January.