On Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated the 10th anniversary of the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” movement, highlighting its success as a people-driven initiative that has gathered support from various sectors of society. In a post on X, he expressed his gratitude for the widespread involvement and noted how the movement has overcome significant gender barriers and biases.
Since its launch, the initiative has focused on ensuring that girls have access to education and the opportunities necessary to fulfill their dreams. PM Modi emphasized the role of the movement in addressing gender discrimination and fostering an environment where girls can thrive.
The Prime Minister also acknowledged the contributions of people and community organizations in addressing historically low child sex ratios and promoting gender equality. He pointed out that many districts with low child sex ratios have seen notable improvements, thanks to the awareness and efforts put forth by various stakeholders.
PM Modi stressed the importance of continuing these efforts to protect the rights of girls, ensure their education, and eliminate discrimination. He called for a collective push to create a society where girls can succeed without facing any bias, pledging further progress for the future.
The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) initiative, launched by PM Modi on January 22, 2015, in Panipat, Haryana, has made tremendous strides in tackling issues like gender-based sex selection, improving child sex ratios, and promoting the protection and education of the girl child.
In its decade of implementation, the scheme has achieved remarkable milestones, including a significant improvement in the sex ratio at birth, expanded educational opportunities, and better healthcare for girls. Moving into its second decade, the initiative will focus on strengthening long-term changes through more inclusive policies, enhanced implementation, and continued community engagement, ensuring lasting progress for gender equality and women’s empowerment in India.