On the 128th birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged citizens to unite for a “Vikshit Bharat,” drawing inspiration from Netaji’s Azad Hind Fauj. Speaking virtually at the Parakram Diwas celebrations held at Barabati Fort in Cuttack, Odisha, the Prime Minister praised Netaji’s sacrifices and dedication to India’s freedom struggle.
PM Modi began his address in Odia, congratulating the people and government of Odisha for hosting the three-day event at Netaji’s birthplace. He highlighted the various exhibitions and activities, including a display of heritage items, artwork, and books related to Netaji’s life. Cultural programs, sculpture workshops, painting competitions, and film screenings further enriched the celebrations.
Reflecting on Netaji’s life, PM Modi emphasized that despite the opportunity to lead a comfortable life after clearing the civil services exam, Netaji chose hardship and dedicated himself to India’s freedom. Modi encouraged the youth to follow Netaji’s example, step outside their comfort zones, and strive for excellence to build a globally competitive India.
He likened the unity of Netaji’s Azad Hind Fauj, which brought together people from diverse backgrounds for Swaraj, to the unity required today for the nation’s development. “Just as they united for Swaraj, we must now unite for Vikshit Bharat,” PM Modi said, urging collective efforts toward progress and prosperity.
The celebrations of Parakram Diwas, from January 23 to January 25, 2025, honor Netaji’s legacy through cultural performances, workshops, and exhibitions, reflecting both his contributions to the freedom struggle and Odisha’s rich cultural heritage.