Mani Skaria, originally from the small village of Amayannor in Kerala, India, is now a transformative force in Texas’s citrus industry. His journey from aspiring civil servant to agricultural innovator began with a teaching stint in Jordan and led him to a groundbreaking career in the U.S.
In Texas, Skaria has built an impressive citrus empire with his company, U.S. Citrus, located in Hargill. This vast orchard has become a testament to his innovative approach, incorporating cutting-edge techniques such as micro-budding technology to boost fruit yields and speed up production. His methods have set new standards in the industry, making U.S. Citrus the largest producer of specialty citrus crops in the state.
Skaria’s impact extends beyond production; he’s also credited with pioneering the Clean Citrus program, a significant advancement in Texas agriculture. His discoveries, including Sweet Orange Scab and the Diaprepes root weevil, have reshaped the industry and earned him the title of “Father of Clean Citrus.”
His path began with a teaching role in Jordan in 1977, following his master’s degree. This led him to the U.S., where he pursued a Ph.D. at Purdue University. Skaria’s early career in Texas was marked by personal health challenges, which ultimately drove him to significant achievements, including the establishment of crucial citrus programs.
In 2012, Skaria launched U.S. Citrus Company, focusing on innovation in citrus cultivation and environmental conservation. Despite setbacks from natural disasters in 2020 and 2021, his resilience fostered the development of new organic gardening products.
Now, Skaria is turning his attention back to India, aiming to revolutionize the country’s citrus industry with the same passion and innovation. He plans to establish a top-tier citrus nursery in northern India, targeting a production of one million high-quality grafted trees annually. This $30 million project is designed to modernize the industry and support small-scale growers, enhancing their productivity and profitability.
Skaria’s vision extends beyond mere business success. His initiative is driven by a desire to mentor young entrepreneurs and transfer his expertise to improve India’s agricultural landscape. His work is aligned with India’s goals of sustainable agricultural growth and rural development, promising a brighter future for the nation’s citrus industry.