The ongoing Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, lasting nearly a month and a half, is set to significantly elevate the global recognition of Uttar Pradesh (UP), as per an official spokesperson. With top Indian companies investing around $400 million in marketing, the event is poised to enhance UP’s stature globally. This increased exposure is expected to expand the markets for both local and Indian-made products, contributing to the ‘Make in India’ and ‘Vocal for Local’ initiatives.
A highlight of the event is the extensive ‘One District One Product’ (ODOP) exhibition, spread across 6,000 square meters. The exhibition prominently features a range of GI-certified products, emphasizing the rich cultural and geographical heritage of UP. Visitors can explore various unique items, such as Kashi’s famous thandai and Banarasi saris, Gorakhpur’s terracotta products, Mirzapur’s brass utensils, and Pratapgarh’s amla-based products. These locally produced goods are gaining significant attention, with an estimated business turnover of approximately $4.5 million expected during the event, according to the MSME department.
The focus on GI and ODOP products has provided a direct economic benefit to artisans, with many of them seeing increased demand for their products. The event also serves as a platform for other states to highlight their own cultural and heritage offerings. States such as Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Dadra Nagar Haveli, Nagaland, and Leh have showcased their diversity through vibrant pavilions, adding to the event’s cultural richness.
The success of initiatives like the ODOP scheme, which has been in place since 2018 under the leadership of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, has positioned UP as a globally recognized brand. The scheme has successfully highlighted unique district products, providing much-needed branding and expanding market access for local artisans, improving their livelihoods. The success of ODOP products, such as Kala Namak rice, terracotta art, banana-based items, and jaggery, has led the government to expand the scheme further.