Kangana Ranaut has officially started filming for her upcoming movie, reuniting with her Tanu Weds Manu co-star R Madhavan. The announcement follows the release of her recent film, Emergency, where she portrayed former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. In her latest Instagram Story, Kangana shared a glimpse of the clapperboard from the yet-to-be-titled movie, expressing her joy of being back on set with the caption, “Nothing is more delightful than being on a film set.”
Directed by Vijay and produced by R Ravindran of Trident Arts, the film marks a new chapter for the actress. Kangana had previously hinted at the project in 2023, announcing it as a psychological thriller, which she described as an exciting and unusual script. The film’s details remain under wraps, but the collaboration with R Madhavan, with whom she previously worked in the Tanu Weds Manu franchise, has generated significant buzz. Madhavan’s most recent project was the ZEE5 film Hisaab Barabar.
Kangana’s involvement in this new venture follows her active role in the release of Emergency, which she not only starred in but also directed, wrote, and produced.