Reliance Industries, led by Mukesh Ambani, is poised to revolutionize artificial intelligence (AI) in India by constructing the world’s largest data center in Jamnagar, Gujarat. This significant project will be powered by Nvidia’s advanced Blackwell AI processors, acquired after a pivotal collaboration announced during the Nvidia AI Summit in October 2024. Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani have expressed confidence in India’s capacity to emerge as a leader in AI, citing its robust digital infrastructure as a strategic advantage.
This partnership underscores Reliance Industries’ ambition to create AI supercomputers and large language models tailored to India’s linguistically diverse population. The Indian government has also committed $1.16 billion to accelerate AI-focused startups and initiatives.
However, the country’s nascent semiconductor industry poses challenges to this ambitious endeavor. Despite these hurdles, partnerships involving Reliance Industries, Nvidia, and the Tata Group reflect India’s commitment to establishing itself as a global AI powerhouse. These efforts are set to transform the nation’s technological landscape and fuel its progress in artificial intelligence.