On Tuesday, Andhra Pradesh’s Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu emphasized India’s transformation into a global economic leader, projected to contribute the most to global GDP by 2027. Speaking at the World Economic Forum’s special session hosted by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Naidu reflected on India’s growth trajectory, beginning with the 1991 economic reforms. He credited the country’s success to its technology adoption, demographic advantage, and entrepreneurial spirit, particularly noting the contributions of Andhra Pradesh’s entrepreneurs on the global stage.
Naidu outlined his belief that by 2047, India would become either the world’s number one or number two economy, with Indians at the forefront of wealth creation and global service.
N Chandrasekaran, Executive Chairman of Tata Sons, discussed the Swarna Andhra Pradesh plan, a key initiative aimed at developing the state by utilizing the 4P model: public, private, people, and partnerships. The plan seeks to stimulate economic growth and job creation through targeted investments in key sectors.
The session also marked the launch of the CII Centre for Global Leadership on Competitiveness (GLC), a groundbreaking initiative to enhance leadership and corporate governance across industries. CII Director General Chandrajit Banerjee praised the collaboration with Andhra Pradesh, which will establish the GLC in Amaravati to promote global leadership skills.
A key focus of the session was green industrialization. Andhra Pradesh’s CM reaffirmed the state’s commitment to green energy and hydrogen, aligning with India’s broader energy goals. Rajiv Memani, President-designate of CII, highlighted that to meet its growth goals by 2047, India must dramatically increase its energy consumption, making green energy a crucial enabler of India’s economic future.
The event also featured discussions with industry leaders like Sajjan Jindal, David Bach, and G B S Raju, focusing on the role of green energy in India’s sustainable growth.