In 1895, Vivekananda conducted a series of private lectures to groups of selected disciples. These lectures were recorded by one of the disciples, Sara Ellen Waldo (who was later known as Haridasi). Inspired Talks by Swami Vivekananda was first published in 1909 by The Ramakrishna Mission. Click Here to Buy
Author: Staff Reporter
Letters of Swami Vivekananda is a close look at the personality and spirit of Swami Vivekananda as seen through his letters. In this book, the reader gets a picture of Vivekananda that is untouched by any biographer. The letters have been arranged in chronological order for the benefit of the reader. The letters show the plan of his work and the means he wanted to adopt for the fulfilment of his mission. In the end, the book also has notes on the persons who are mentioned in these letters. Click Here to Buy
My India: The India Eternal talks about India’s past, its present and Vivekananda’s vision for its future. Swami Vivekananda talks about the duties of India’s youth and the path they must follow to make India a great nation. The book also includes his comments on education and religion. Click Here to Buy
This is a booklet but packs more information than other volumes written on the subject of mind. It is a lecture delivered by Swami Vivekananda in Los Angeles on January 8th, 1900. Powers of The Mind talks about the infinite possibilities and powers hidden within the human mind. It also explains how the powers of the mind can be unlocked using Yoga. Click Here to Buy
Swami Vivekananda attained global fame because of his speech at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893. Chicago Addresses contains those lectures delivered by him. Through these speeches, Swamiji wished to impart the teachings of Vedanta to the world. The core theme of his lecture was – brotherhood and universal acceptance. Click Here to Buy
While in the West, Swami Vivekananda mostly talked about and preached the beauties of Vedanta. But on two occasions – in New York and England – he talked about his Guru, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. My Master contains both those lectures in which Swamiji discusses his Master’s life right from his birth in 1836 to his evolution from Gadadhar Chattopadhyay (Pre-monastic name of Ramakrishna) to Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. Click Here to Buy
This book is a detailed account of Hinduism. It begins by describing the word ‘Hindu’ and goes on to discuss the various schools of thought in Hinduism. It stresses upon the Vedanta Philosophy and the Advaita system. The book also talks about the various Hindu scriptures, Smritis and sects in Hinduism. Swami Vivekananda discusses other deeper topics like the theory of creation, law of karma, aatma, mukti, idol worship, guru, divine incarnations and much more. Click Here to Buy
This book has many inspirational messages which have been selected from the various writings, speeches and teachings of Swami Vivekananda. The book is ideal for people seeking to live a spiritual life but are busy with their everyday material life. Click Here to Buy
Swami Vivekananda had many insightful and deep thoughts on education – a subject very close to his heart. In My Idea of Education, he writes about the philosophy of education, the relationship between society and education, and The Teacher. Swamiji presents some brilliant ideas on educating the masses and women – concepts which were far ahead of their times in India. Swamiji also writes about the importance of practical experience, mother tongue and concentration. The book ends with one of the main goals of a good education – Character Building. Click Here to Buy
Work and Its Secret is based on the speech by Swami Vivekananda in Los Angeles, California on January 4th, 1900. In it, Swamiji talks about giving equal importance to both the means and the end while doing work. He emphasises that the major reason for failure is lack of attention while doing work. Swamiji draws upon the lessons of the Bhagavad Gita to emphasise this point. Click Here to Buy