The Uttar Pradesh government is preparing for the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025, a grand spiritual event set to draw 450 million devotees to Prayagraj. To enhance the festivities, popular artists such as Shankar Mahadevan, Mohit Chauhan, Shaan, and Kailash Kher are scheduled to perform. The event begins on January 16 and ends on February 24, with Mahadevan opening and Chauhan closing the celebrations. Other notable performers include Hariharan, Kavita Krishnamurthy, and Malini Awasthi, offering a spiritually uplifting atmosphere for attendees.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath recently reviewed the preparations, visiting akharas, meeting sadhus, and inspecting arrangements via the Nishadraj cruise at Sangam Ghat. Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak highlighted the deployment of 125 ambulances, including 15 advanced life support vehicles, air ambulances, and seven river ambulances to address emergencies.
Inspector General of Police Tarun Gaba shared that a 7-layer security plan has been implemented, integrating AI-enabled cameras and 2,700 monitoring devices to identify suspicious activity and ensure safety. The government has coordinated with state and central agencies to provide comprehensive security for the event.
The Mahakumbh, celebrated every 12 years, will culminate on February 26. Devotees will gather at the Sangam—the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers—for a holy dip believed to absolve sins and offer liberation. Major bathing rituals (Shahi Snan) are scheduled for January 14 (Makar Sankranti), January 29 (Mauni Amavasya), and February 3 (Basant Panchami), marking significant spiritual milestones of the festival.