The 119th US Congress, which commenced on Friday, has achieved a milestone with the inclusion of four Hindu lawmakers, marking the largest representation of Hindus in the legislature. These four lawmakers, all Democrats, are Suhash Subramaniam, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Ro Khanna, and Shri Thanedar.
In total, only 14 lawmakers from non-Christian or non-Jewish faiths have identified themselves as such. The religious composition of Congress also includes four Muslims, three Buddhists, and three Unitarian Universalists.
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, the only Indian American woman in the House of Representatives, has not specified her religious affiliation. Dr. Ami Bera, the most senior Indian American in Congress, has been identified as a Unitarian. Despite Christianity being the dominant religion in Congress, Jews represent the second-largest group at 6%, with 31 members.
Among the minority religions, Hindus and Muslims are represented equally, with four members each. The Muslim members of Congress are Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib, Andre Carson, and Lateefah Simon. Additionally, Senator Mazie Hirono from Hawaii and Representative Hank Johnson from Georgia are Buddhists, along with Derem Tram, a House member from California.
While 98% of Republican lawmakers identify as Christians, 75% of Democrats do the same. The rest of the Democrats display more religious diversity, with 66 members not declaring Christianity, and 21 opting not to specify their faith.